Thursday, October 1, 2020


Permission— so much of photography has to do with permission. Sure, it's permission to stare... longer than would otherwise be acceptable. You have to be willing to not linger too long, though, and do the work. There are other kinds of permission, as well— to demand, to control, too direct, and sometimes touch (within established boundaries). I have to admit that it's quite appealing, and I really enjoy spending time in that space. Beyond that, deeper than that, it's also permission to indulge in things weird, peculiar, whimsical— or even awkward or graceless. Or even kinky and erotic. To search for a moment that takes both you and your subject to a place of trust, exploration— and perhaps, if you're lucky, truth. It's permission to ask someone for their faith in you, in the hope you'll both be rewarded with the process.

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